Sharan Project
What We Do
The SHARAN Project, is a leading UK charity that seeks to provide support, advice and create a forum for vulnerable women who have been disowned/ostracised by their families or communities, forcedly or voluntarily left home due to harmful practices such as forced marriage, honour based abuse, domestic violence and cultural conflict. The Sharan Project has been providing support for women and those at risk of or experiencing a forced marriage since 2008.
Forced Marriage
Research shows that forced marriage prevalence is an issue within educational institutes. Often students are faced with the choice to have an education in exchange for marrying someone who has been chosen for them, making students aged 16 – 25 at the tipping point of being at risk of forced marriage. If you or someone you know can benefit from our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or call us on 0844 504 3231.
Our Girl Campaign Work
The national campaign will focus on prevention campaigning and awareness raising in universities and colleges by developing awareness through workshops with students, creating a student led support network for those at risk or already affected by FM; deliver training to staff to spot signs and know where to go for specialist support and develop web based policies for institutions to embed in their safeguarding practice.
Campaign Outcomes
(Please note campaign outcomes are updated monthly)
Training for Frontline Professionals includes:
- Assisted Canadian Embassy Immigration team on identifying FM within overseas applications to include OG screening x5
- 7 Bedford Row, Legal Seminar ‘End early & FM in UK .OG screened x 60
- Home Office Spectrum LGBT Conference x 20
- Home Office LGBT Conference BIS London x 150
- Home Office training event Liverpool x 50
- Home Office training event Sheffield x 40
- USDAW BAME members Manchester conference x 50
- MPS half day training session on FM/HBA/Dowry/ Disownment: OG packs as above incl MPS materials on FM and HBA + OG screening Metropolitan Police Service Tackling harmful practices, London x 74
- MPS half day training session on FM/HBA/Dowry/ Disownment: OG packs as above incl MPS materials on FM and HBA + OG screening Metropolitan Police Service Tackling harmful practices, London x 76
- Delivered the 3rd in a series of MET training ‘A Partnership Approach to Tackling Forced Marriages, attending, key speakers included Interpol, Human Traffi cking Heathrow Lead, IKWRO and Sharan. Feedback very positive and interest for further events identified x100
- Victim Support IDVA training East London x16
- Kings College University paneldiscussion/screening Our Girl (150 students and teachers) – estimated reach ofteachers 25
- Legal Seminar – 5 St Andrews Hill Chambers ‘Review ofFMPO’s’) + x60
- Delivered presentation to Community Safety Unit, DCI Pan London (All 32 teams) at New Scotland Yard – x30 attendees
- delivered OG presentation HCLO (Hate Crime LGBT Conference) at city hall x80 attendees – x80 packs and screening of OG film with LGBT FM survivor
- OG Partners Event New Scotland Yard – x80 packs, screening and presentation.
- University of East London staff safeguarding training x 14
- West Midlands Our Girl training in Birmingham to University safeguarding leads – 28 professionals from Newham Mental Health, Birmingham City, Aston, Student Unite, IQ, Canal Side
- West Midlands Police Service joint Sharan Project event to frontline professionals x 350
- MPS Safeguarding Training workshop & screening, London x 60
- MPS Safeguarding Training workshop & screening, London x 65
Schools/ University’s/ Colleges workshops and screenings
- SOAS Law & Multiculturalism Lecture Annual lecture/workshop looking at law & FM w Ambassador OG screened x 15
- Azhar Academy Girls School Forest Gate IWD Supporting students, poster competition, OG book and film screening x 60 (2 classes)
- Earlham College, US university lecture on FM and British Asian History, workshop, case studies, OG film Q&A x 20
- SOAS – screening Our Girl with panel discussion and Q&A Law and Multiculturalism with Ambassador x 25
- Gloucestershire University panel discussion/screening of OG x 200 students, teachers and frontline professionals
- Azhar Academy student peer educators and training on OG campaign x 16 (x4 student groups)
- Azhar Academy Assembly to secondary students with screening x 200
- HMS St Albans schools event in partnership with the Royal Navy for International Womens Day – 36 students
- Graduates recruitment fair with Metropolitan Police Service – screening of Our Girl film to graduates (av. Age 25) x 250
- Solihull College and University two fresher fairs, Our Girl materials distributed to students x 2000 attended.
- University of East London half day exploring issue of Forced Marriage with 40 students for the ‘Social Welfare in the 21st century’ module.
- WMPS Community Event, women only safeguarding event x 150 direct beneficiaries
Other Our Girl campaign outcomes/ awareness raising activities:
- Tesco Leadership Day ‘charity challenge’ (Cheshunt) + Q&A x 100
- Cheshunt Tesco International Women’s Day 2016 OG screened x 40
- Burnley Tesco OG film looped in staff area (ongoing) x200
- Cambridge Tesco National Forum 50 (posters that might have reached 5000 staff members)
- Downing Street – Point of Lights Award IWD reception – handed OG film/book to Prime Minister x1
- WOW Festival Southbank Centre, Panel talk on feminism and religion – discussed OG and FM (no screening) x 195
- Gray’s Inn Assoc of Women Barristers Annual Reception x 60 – networking to raise profile of campaign (no screening)
- RICS Warsi Foundation Launch, 100 – Contacts for support with OG & Campaign (no screening)
- Trust Women Conference (day 1) – connected with scholars x60
- Comic Relief Lunch and Learn Our Girl presentation and screening x 35
- Lead speaker at the Hague for the Women’s Economic Forum, discussion the OG model as an example of collaboration and partnership working x15.
- Met with Roshan Bhandary, inTouch Inc. Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence, Melbourne agreed to take OG as a prevention model to Australia, discussing further engagement to include UK delegation to assist with development of programme and Australian government commitment.
- Selected as chosen charity for Society of Asian lawyers, attended Gala and screened OG x500 with discussions on access to 5k members
- Screening of OG at ISSCR event Pakistan x500 students x100 universities
- Screening of OG at first Pakistan Women’s Film Festival for IWD 2017 – approx. 500
- Community engagement – presentation to Gants Hill WIN group (all female, avg age 70)
- Community group at Rotary Club x 10
- Roundtable with the Army presented Ofur Girl and distributed materials
- Truth Project workshop on Child Sexual Abuse with professionals. Our Girl materials presented x 30 NGO’s
- Polly Harrar, founder of Sharan project, won the LIFT Award for work that included the Our Girl campaign x 200 at the event with all winners interviews being circulated on social media
- London Fashion Week House of Ikons event at the Millenium Gloucester Hotel, Our Girl materials distributed, 1800 attended
- Redbridge Rotary Club membership meeting x 30
- MPS Hate Crime Roadshow Stall to promote the OG campaign x 120
Our Girl media outcomes
- Guest on Zee TV 26.5.16 to discus campaign and need for support re FM possibility it will be screened across the network in the future to upwards of 169 countries.
- #dayofthegirl Our Girl via Sharan Project campaign 2016
- #16daysofactivism Our Girl via Sharan Project campaign 2016
- Speaker on MATV discussed and screened OG trailer and OG full film (reach 6 South Asian countries and x 60,000+ viewers)
- Article in The National Student reach online x200,000 Facebook boosted post x2304+
- Our Girl video has in part been embedded in a new video by Mizan the Poet addressing honour killings with links to Our Girl and the Sharan project websites. It was released on social media on 25th Feb (2235 views so far) –
- Facebook, Instagram, Youtube training embedded within Our Girl communications strategy
- Link to OG film screened via Wandsworth Police twitter ahead of summer holidays x 35,000
- BBC news at 10 (national) – WMPS Our Girl Conference shown – link requested from journalist via you tube Average viewership 4.6 million
- BBC London Radio (Sunny & Shay) discussing forced marriages, LGBT, FM and OG Approx. 120.000 listeners
- Interview on Zee TV/Zee Companion re FM, Our Girl, Honour Abuse link requested from journalist via you tube – OG film screened in full. Approx. 13,045 viewers UK
- 8th Aug – BBC London Radio Drive Time with Eddie Nestor: Polly Harrar, Christine Roberts (MPS) – Discussion on Disownment/FM, call to action to engage with Our Girl. (2.2m listeners pw)
- Newham Recorder will be publishing article on UEL engagement as first London university embedding FM as part of their social policy module – link to followUEL newsletter
0844 504 3231
Our Girl Sharan Project film
Our partners:
Sharan Project
South East
Peer Productions & True Honour
West Midlands Consortium
North West
The Wish Centre
Affected by forced marriage?
If you or someone you know is at risk of forced marriage, you can contact the Forced Marriage unit on 020 7008 0151 or The Sharan Project on 0844 5043231.
If in immediate danger call the police on 999.