Campaign Partners


Prevention Campaigning

Prevention campaigning is at the heart of the Our Girl dissemination campaign across the UK.

Our Girl partners on the ground across the UK are delivering prevention campaigns in secondary schools, colleges and universities, important  sites in the prevention of violence against women and girls, safe spaces in which young people can feel protected, listened to and are able to make disclosures. Alongside this campaigning work includes direct action in the community and youth centres as well as  high level training to frontline professionals.

Our Girl campaign Peer Productions Youth and Theatre workshop, Woking 2016.
Our Girl campaign Peer Productions Youth and Theatre workshop, Woking 2016.
  • Our Girl is a crucial tool in the struggle to end forced marriages here in the UK but crucially the diversity of partnerships will ensure high impact prevention outcomes.’

    Our Girl Supporter

  • The police are resolute in its commitment to tackle Forced Marriage and I wholly support Our Girl – a fantastic collaboration of NGOs, Schools and Police, as it will educate, raise awareness and empower young people to make safe and informed choices.’  

    Commander Mak Chishty, NPCC Lead for Honour Based Abuse, Forced Marriage and FGM

  • Early intervention and awareness raising is essential in tackling forced marriages and other cultural practices. The Our Girl campaign is a real step in empowering and educating professionals and young people.’  

    Mandy Sanghera, an international human rights activist and Ambassador for Our Girl

National Partner 

The Sharan Project is designed to empower, educate and inspire women who want to actively learn more about the support and choices that are available to them, to provide them with the tools to lead life on their own terms.

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London Partner

IKWRO is a national London-based registered charity founded in 2002 who represent women and girls from Middle Eastern, North African and Afghan (MENA) communities at risk of “honour” based violence, forced marriage, child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM), spouse abandonment and domestic abuse.

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South East Partner 

Peer Productions is an established youth theatre charity that specialties in peer education through theatre. 

True Honour was established in 2015 with one simple aim – to stop abuse and save lives. They help and support all victims of Honour Based Violence (HBV), Forced Marriage (FM) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). 

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East Partner 

The Luton All Women’s Centre is a woman only Centre run by Women for Women. It is a safe and accessible women only environment, a resource centre allowing easy access to all the services available for women under one roof.

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West Midlands Partner

The West Midlands Specialist Domestic Abuse Consortium are all specialist Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) organisations and provide services across the majority of the West Midlands region.

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North West Partner 

The services provided by The Wish Centre developed from grassroots level for women and led by women back in 1989 with the main focus to keep victims of domestic abuse and their children safe.

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Affected by forced marriage?

If you or someone you know is at risk of forced marriage, you can contact the Forced Marriage unit on 020 7008 0151 or The Sharan Project on 0844 5043231.
If in immediate danger call the police on 999