Luton All Women’s Centre East
What We Do
The Luton All Women’s Centre is a woman only centre run by women for women. They are a focal point for women’s issues, campaigns and programme a range of cultural, educational and recreational activities. LAWC specialise in a number of services including the domestic abuse service, a forced marriage/honour abuse service, parenting programmes, young women’s support services, Polish women domestic abuse service and a counselling service. LAWC also provides information advice and one to one support to women.
Forced Marriage
Luton All Women’s Centre runs a dedicated Forced Marriage/ HBV Service that offers confidential support and information to victims of forced marriage and honour-based violence. They are experienced in dealing with cultural, social and emotional issues surrounding forced marriage. The project provides confidential service, 1-1 support, advice and advocacy, outreach work, group therapy, referral to legal advice and access to counselling. They also provide training on this subject to a range of agencies and work with schools to deliver workshops to 14 to 16 year-olds to raise awareness on forced marriage and honour-based violence and deliver surgeries in community settings. For support and advice please call the centre on 01582 416783.
Our Girl Campaign Work
LAWC will run workshops in schools and raise awareness about forced marriage via the Our Girl campaign in the community and via faith groups in Luton that they have developed strong links with. Additionally the campaign will produce pocket sized lip balms featuring the Our Girl campaign logo and a bar code containing Luton All Women’s Centre’s telephone number. They will be distributing these lip balms to young people at all major events they attend, including school/ college events, conferences and other media events.
Campaign Outcomes
(Please note campaign outcomes are updated monthly)
Training for Frontline Professionals includes:
- Barnfield College teacher training – 45
- Barnfield College professionals training – 25
- Luton & Dunstable hospital staff training – 16
- CYCD Luton – 31
- Forced marriage commissioners meetings with screenings x 25
- Presentation to Police Crime Commissioners x 8
- Bedford Academy teachers inset and training day – 200 (150 female; 50 male)
- Luton and Dunstable Hospital professionals training – 9
- Luton and Dunstable Hospital professionals training – 12
- Luton and Dunstable Hospital professionals training – 12
- Luton and Dunstable Hospital professionals training -15
- Luton and Dunstable Hospital professionals training -10
- Luton and Dunstable Hospital professionals training – 17
- LAWC -Professional training police new recruits – 18
- Luton and Dunstable Hospital professionals training – 13
Young people workshops and engagement
- Chalkhill Academy PHSE year 8 assembly – 169
- Luton Sixth Form College Our Girl at Futures Fair – 31
- Luton Luton Sixth Form College young peoples workshop – 32
- Barnfield College freshers fair, Our Girl workshops for young people – 86
- 7 workshops at Icknield High School PHSE delivery with Our Girl – 231
- Challney High School for Boys – SRE Wellbeing Days with Our Girl – 226
- 1 x Secondary School Stockwood Academy Luton PHSE delivery incorporating the Our Girl Materials – 44
- 3 x Secondary School Stockwood Academy LutonPHSE delivery incorporating the Our Girl Materials – 106 (13/14 years)
- 1 x Secondary School Lea Manor High School Luton, PHSE delivery incorporating the Our Girl Materials – all female students – 98 (14/15 years)
- Challney High School for Girls, Assembly delivery -screening the Our Girl film and used the Our girl Tool kit Materials x 200 all female 15/ 16yrs.
- Chalk hill Academy Assembly -72 (40 Males and 33 females)
- Bedford Academy Assembly -202 (107 males and 95 Females)
- Lea Manor High School, Wellbeing day – 93 girls
- Chalkhill Academy Wellbeing Day -240 – (ages 13/14, 98 males and 142 females)
- Chalkhill Academy Wellbeing Day- 300 (ages 14/15, 160 female and 140 males)
- Chalkhill Academy Wellbeing Day – 300 (ages 15/16, 138 males and 162 females)
- CYCD Workshop – 30 (females aged 10 -19)
Our Girl other awareness raising activities
- Distibution of Our Girl educational pack to students at PHSE at Stockwood Academy – 20
- Our Girl Leaflets to young people at Stockwood Academy – 30
- Luton Domestic Abuse Forum distribution of Our Girl materials to professionals
- Gave out training packs to hospital staff and teachers as well as electronically sent training packs to teachers at Bedford Academy
- Wide distribution to teachers and schools of Our Girl lip balm
- Met Police and Crime Commissioners with the Victim Commissioner Baroness Newlove at Youth Escape where the national Our Girl campaign was presented
- Luton sixth From College Futures Fair – 110 attendees
- Lea Lands Highschool Information Stand- 60 (ages 14/15, 45 females and 15 males)
- Sixth Form College Freshers Fair – 54
- Barnfield College Freshers Fair – 55
Centre activities and support groups include
- Young Women’s support group
- End Violence Against Women Week
- 16 Days of Activism
Our Girl materials
- Our Girl lip gloss
- Our Girl teachers packs
- Our Girl flyers and posters
- Schools Workshop
- Health Professionals training
- Schools workshop
- Teacher training
- Schools workshop
- Luton Awareness Stand
- Luton Awareness Stand
- Our Girl Coordinator Luton Lucky Begum
- Stockwood Academy School Luton

01582 416783
Our Girl Luton All Women's Centre film
Our partners:
Sharan Project
South East
Peer Productions & True Honour
West Midlands Consortium
North West
The Wish Centre
Affected by forced marriage?
If you or someone you know is at risk of forced marriage, you can contact the Forced Marriage unit on 020 7008 0151 or The Sharan Project on 0844 5043231.
If in immediate danger call the police on 999.