West Midlands Specialist Domestic Abuse Consortium
West Midlands
What We Do
The West Midlands Specialist Domestic Abuse Consortium are all specialist Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) organisations consisting of four core partners Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid, Coventry Haven, Sandwell Women’s Aid and the Haven Wolverhampton. They work collaboratively together on fundraising, campaigning, lobbying and seek to improve and expand services for women and children affected by domestic violence and abuse across the West Midlands. They are all highly experienced in delivered FM/HBV support to victims and have the multi-agency partnership links to ensure victims are provided with a range of services to support them. This includes excellent local and regional links with Police, Children’s & Adults Services, Housing, Law Centres, Courts, and other voluntary and statutory sector bodies.
Forced Marriage
In 2015, 551 forced marriage and honour based violence cases went through specialist domestic violence agencies in the consortium. Partners in the consortium offer confidential help, advice and support. If you, or anyone you know, is in fear of a forced marriage please get in touch – Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid 0808 800 0028; Coventry Haven 02476 444077; Sandwell Women’s Aid 0121 552 6448; The Haven Wolverhampton 0800 0194 40.
Our Girl Campaign Work
The Our Girl campaign will be disseminated throughout the region ensuring large scale awareness raising and impact. The consortium believe that the Our Girl campaign will inevitably lead to more victims and/or concerned individuals coming forward for support. The regional campaign will deliver a consistent message and a coordinated response working with schools, community groups, youth networks and frontline professionals training alongside a media and communications campaign plus the dissemination of the Our Girl DVD and materials.
Campaign Outcomes
(Please note campaign outcomes are updated regularly)
Training for frontline professionals
Black Country Women’s Aid
- Meetings with Teachers and safeguarding leads to promote Our Girl x 6
- Sandwell multi agency training x 25
- Dudley multi agency training x 20
- Dudley, training x 23F 5M
- Sandwell, training x 53F 10M
- Sandwell workshop x 38F
- Sandwell multi agency training, morning and afternoon training workshop – FM – 60 women
From April to June 110 professionals in Walsall, Sandwell and Dudley from statutory, health and education sectors have accessed Our Girl forced marriage and HBA training.
Twilight training sessions to teachers at Sandwell Healthy Futures College – 21
- Black Country Women’s Aid – Working with Sikh helpline to promote our girl campaign and to strengthen referral pathways where cases of FM and HBA have been disclosed in Sandwell, Dudley and Walsall. We are also working closely with Tipton Muslim Women’s Centre to develop drop in sessions and raise awareness of DA, FM and HBA.
Haven Wolverhampton
- Ramada Park Hotel, Evening presentation to British Dental Association x 40
- On Thursday 2nd February 4 copies of the DVD were given to people who attended our modern slavery external training. They were represented from Probation services, the hope family centre and health services.
- On Thursday 9th February 2 copies of the DVD were given to people who attended our understanding controlling and coercive behaviour external training. They were represented from Wolverhampton schools and health services.
- On Thursday 9th March 5 copies of the DVD were given to people who attended our understanding controlling and coercive behaviour external training. They were represented from Wolverhampton schools, midwifes and a solicitor.
- On Tuesday 14th March 2 copies of the DVD were given to people who attended our modern slavery external training. They were represented from Wolverhampton schools
- 2 x Haven Centre, awareness raising re coercive control – 12
- Wolv University –Childhood studies, seminar on domestic violence – 30
- Domestic Abuse Awareness training – 14 people age range between 19 and 60 years
- Understanding coercive controlling behaviour training- 10 people age range 20 to 60 years
- Domestic Abuse Awareness training – 10 people age range 18 to 55 years
- Domestic Abuse Awareness training 9 professionals from schools, faith groups, social care and probation. Age range 20 to 55 years. All female.
- Understanding coercive controlling behaviour training 6 professionals from schools, GP, strengthening family hubs, probation. Age range 20 to 55 years. 5 female 1 male.
- Understanding coercive controlling behaviour training 11 people attended. Age range from 20 to 40 years. 10 female 1 male.
Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid (BSWA)
- Featherstone Primary School, Birmingham, FM/ HBV workshop x 26 teaching staff
- Christchurch Primary School Birmingham, FM/HBV teacher workshop x 30
- Two multi agency training to practitioners in Birmingham x 20
- DV Specialist agency training, Training day on FM/HBV x 18
- Children Centre Workers, Awareness raising FM – 20
- Sommerville Primary, teachers – 60
- Solihull multi agency, practitioners workers – 15
- Mental Health Trust two workshops – 28 people
- Children Centre Staff Awareness raising/training – 15 people
- BSWA Volunteers Awareness raising/training – 12 people
Coventry Haven
- GP/Healthcare event, Coventry Health Centre, Awareness for professionals/ info provided around campaign promoting and disseminating through health links with young people x 35 healthcare professionals
- Cov Haven AGM, St Peters Community Centre Hillfields, Presentation on FM/HBV & promotion of OG campaign, 45 proffessionals and service users
- University Hospital Coventry medical professionals training – 30
- Price of Honour Women’s Day session, awareness raising with women & professionals -60 – DB, 15 – IB
- President Kennedy School, pastoral leaders – 12
- Wyken Croft School teachers – 30
- Cov City Council, Professionals meeting to discuss safety of pupil – 6
- President Kennedy School safeguarding workshop – 2 teachers
- Sydney stringer school Awareness Raising/ support Safeguarding officer – 1 teachers
- Coventry Haven – volunteers – 6
- Weekly Groups through Coventry Haven – These are held each Wednesday to offer support in an activity based peer group meeting. Space is available to meet and gain knowledge, advice, support, 1-1 support if preferred. Subjects covered include all abuse including FM HBV but offer a more holistic style approach to create trust, friendships and an opportunity to disclose.
Young people workshops and community engagement
Black Country Women’s Aid
- Two ‘Women ‘let’s talk’’ workshops, Sandwell Offices, x 38 young women
- Distributed DVDs at training sessions in Sandwell, Walsall and Dudley
- We have successfully extended the Our Girl Campaign to additional schools in Walsall and Sandwell area. We have been successful in delivering awareness sessions in schools: Palfrey Girls School Year 9/ 10/ 11- 90 and school assembly – awareness of forced marriage and HBA and promote our Girl Campaign Abu Bakr Boys School in Walsall- 95
Haven Wolverhampton
- Two sessions at Pearl Refuge, awareness raising with women, x 12
- Head offices, awareness raising with women session, 13 women; 21-55age
- Head offices, understanding coercive control, 6 women 25-60age
- Community Hub open day, Haven main office x 40
- Wednesfield High School Teenage Domestic Abuse Assembly 120 DB year 10. Age range 15 to 16 years. 70 female 60 male.
In April, May and June 462 students at Highfields have watched the DVD (years 9 and 10). The impact has been an increase in knowledge on the subject area of Forced Marriage. The majority of the students had never heard of it before and certainly didn’t think it was an issue in the UK.
Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid
- Dolphin Centre, Birmingham, FM/ HBV workshop x 20 young people
- Primary school year 6 – all girls, Schools FM/HBV progamme, x 40
- Primary school Year 6 – mixed gender, Schools FM/HBV progamme x 90
- Heart of England training, Young persons workshop – mixed gender x 16
- Primary school Year 6 – mixed gender, Schools FM/HBV progamme x 30
- Secondary girls school, 5x 1 hour FM workshops x 130
- 4 x screenings of Our Girl at training sessions with young people Jan- March – 15
- Flarway Primary School, Year 6 – 30 students
- Adderley Primary School, Year 6 – 50 students
- Nelson Mandela Primary, Year 6 – 30 students
- Adderley Primary, Year 6 – 40 students
- St Clements Primary, Year 6 – 30 students
- King Edwards Ind School, Year 9 – 90 girls
- Sutton Girls Grammer, Year 10 – 100 girls
- Sundridge Primary, Year 6, 30 girls
- St Edmund Campion Catholic Secondary, Year 9 – 90 students
- Mansfield Green Academy Primary, Year 6 – 60 students
- University of Birmingham Secondary, Year 7 – 70 girls
- University of Birmingham Secondary, Year 7 – 80 boys
- Uni of Birmingham, social work students – 15
- University of Birmingham School Year 7 – 15 male students
- St Peters Catholic Primary School Year 6 – 10 mixed students
- The Oaks Primary School Year 6 – 30 mixed students
- Christchurch Primary School Year 6 – 30 mixed students
- Somerville Primary School Year 6 – 90 mixed students
- Yorkmead Primary School Year 6 – 60 mixed students
Coventry Haven
- City College, FM/HBV training, 150 students- mixed 50/50
- Heart of England training group in Rugby, 33x 16-21 yr old males and females, Awareness raising
- Heart of England training group in Leicester, 35x 16yr old females, awareness raising
- Henley College, workshop with DVD showing, 100 x 16-35 yr old students
- City College, 40 students 18-25 age group; mixed gender, Screening / awareness raising events
- Henley College, workshop 30 students 18-50 age/female
- Coundon Court Secondary School, workshop, 15 students, 14 years old
- Henley College 2 x Freshers week events, 3 hour awareness and workshops, information 300 (150 students at each event, male and female, aged 16-20 years
- Broad Street Community Centre – Romanian Women’s Group, Awareness/ discussion forum around honour/ shame/ FM 20 women aged 19-41
- Henley College students – 32
- St Peters College – special workshops with BME women – 40 BME women
- Lyng Hall School, School awareness raising with students- 160
- Lyng Hall School, School awareness raising with students – 125
- Bluecoat School, 200 students and 12 teachers
- President Kennedy School 24 students and 4 teachers
- St Peters Community Centre, BAMER women – 50
- President Kennedy School Workshop pupils 32 and 1 teacher
- ST Peters Community College – Awareness Raising/ supportBAMER women – 40 women
- President Kennedy School workshops – 135 students and 3 teachers
- President Kennedy School workshops – 137 students and 3 teachers
- Foleshill women’s training Awareness Raising/ support Women from diverse backgrounds – 10 women
- President Kennedy School workshop – 33 students and 2 teachers
- Ekita women’s group Awareness Raising/ support Women from diverse backgrounds – 22
- Lynghall School Awareness Raising/ support for 1 student
- ST Peters Community College BAMER women – 50
- President Kennedy school workshop – 60 students and 2 teachers
- President Kennedy school pupil support 1 student
- John Gulson Primary School Workshop students and teachers – 64
- President Kennedy School workshop – 32 students and 1 teachers
- Barrs Hill School 4 workshops – 131 students and 5 teachers
- Barrs Hill School student support workshop 1 student
Other campaign related activities
- The Haven Head office, Freedom Group Programme with service users x 15
- University of Wolverhampton, freshers week x 20 students
- Significant social media engagement from all of the partners
- Social media 16 day activism activities and International Women’s Day 2017
- Million Steps March, Fundraising x 80
- Pink Lohri event, Birmingham , 200 women – promoted OG campaign through leaflets
- Molineux Football stadium – Wolv Wanderers, One million steps sponsored walk x 100
- Black Country Women’s Aid through the Community Service support staff have disseminated our girl leaflets in GP surgeries, children centres and beautician businesses to ensure that the campaign reaches all communities
- Multi- agency regional conference, Tally Ho, Birmingham – 200 professionals
- Coventry Haven -Coventry City Centre Members of the public who attended Coventry Pride. Coventry Haven had a stall at the Coventry Pride Event in June to raise awareness about FM&HBV. In total over 250 people had contact with our staff and Forced Marriage champions on the day. New contacts were made and discussions around developing future partnership working to highlight risks of FM&HBV for LGBT communities and individuals.
- Birmingham undertakes regular tweeting with Birmingham schools
- Wolverhampton: to coincide with the conference, we promoted the campaign and to coincide with international women’s day, we promoted on Facebook which has 2,527 followers and on Twitter which has 4,313 followers.
- All services have promoted activity through Facebook and Twitter using the Our Girl hashtag
Sandwell and Dudley: We have delivered FM&HBV training to the steering group and members of the Yemeni community group in Sandwell. Working with Sikh helpline to promote our girl campaign and to strengthen referral pathways where cases of FM&HBV have been disclosed in Sandwell, Dudley and Walsall. We are also working closely with Tipton Muslim Women’s Centre to develop drop in sessions and raise awareness of FM&HBV
Black Country Women’s Aid – Working to develop “drop in” sessions at Tipton Muslim Women’s Centre, Arranging to deliver FM and HBA at Sikh youth camps in July/August.
Black Country Women’s Aid – Working in partnership Gudwaras to deliver FM and HBA at Sikh youth camps in Walsall and Sandwell. Working with Yemeni community association to deliver awareness and drop in sessions.Strengthening positive working relationship with faith based organisations.

0808 800 0028

02476 444077

0121 552 6448

0800 0194 40
Our Girl West Midlands Consortium film
Our partners:
Sharan Project
South East
Peer Productions & True Honour
West Midlands Consortium
North West
The Wish Centre
Affected by forced marriage?
If you or someone you know is at risk of forced marriage, you can contact the Forced Marriage unit on 020 7008 0151 or The Sharan Project on 0844 5043231.
If in immediate danger call the police on 999.