Peer Productions & True Honour
South East
What They Do
Peer Productions is an established youth theatre charity that specialties in peer education through theatre. Founded in 2006, each year Peer Productions train a team of young actors enabling them to deliver a range of arts projects and plays in the community. Peer Productions typically reaches in excess of 10,000 young people each year. Peer Productions works with hard to reach and marginalised groups including young people with learning disabilities, LGBT young people, young carers and vulnerable young women. Peer Productions is known for its work tackling challenging issues that affect young people including violence against women and girls. True Honour was established in 2015 with one simple aim – to stop abuse and save lives and are experts on forced marriage and honour based violence.
Forced Marriage
True Honour support victims of Honour Based Violence (HBV), Forced Marriage (FM) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Their mission is to engage with Police and other agencies to gauge a better understanding of victims, to meet the needs of South Asian Communities by providing training and raising awareness on hidden abuse, and by supporting them in a safe and an empowering way. They provide awareness raising training for Police forces, colleges, universities, schools, local authorities, GP surgeries and community organisations.
Our Girl Campaign Work
The Our Girl campaign will involve Peer Productions providing a forum theatre based workshop for secondary school students exploring domestic abuse, healthy relationships, honour based violence and forced marriage. This work will be complemented by a detailed teacher’s pack (jointly created by PP and True Honour) and INSET training provided by True Honour where teachers and youth professionals will gain a greater understanding of the specific challenges involved in these issues. They will also produce a small take away Our Girl card for the young people, events and workshops that has links to the film and to specialist support agencies around FM and HBV. True Honour will ensure that the Our Girl film and materials are distributed and explored at their frontline training programme of workshops.
Campaign Outcomes
(Please note campaign outcomes are updated monthly)
Training for Frontline Professionals includes
- Bisley Youth Centre x 3 in house trainings – 24
- Clive Driscoll, Chair of True Honour, promoted the Our Girl campaign via the Clinical work he does with professionals – approximately 30 professionals
- Thamesmead School Shepperton, INSET Training and screening for staff – 30
- True Honour training at Surrey County Council for the Health Teams – 21
- True Honour Inset Training Thamesmead School – 32 teaching professionals
- True Honour -Clive Driscoll – awareness raising to 200 delegates at West Midlands Police
- True Honour Surrey Police and London Ambulance Service – 20 professionals
- True Honour presentation and screening Soroptimist International 19 attendees
- True Honour The International Inner Wheel awareness raising – 25
- True Honour presentation, Safeguarding Conference London – 19
- True Honour Barking and Dagenham Safeguarding Childrens Board – 50 people
- True Honour Surrey Police Training – 22 police officers
Young people workshops and community engagement
- True Honour presentation to the Punjabi community in Southall about DV, HBV and FM and also screened the Our Girl film and translated into Punjabi to help them understand the content. 100 people (80 female & 20 men aged 40-70)
- Thamesmead School, Shepperton all day schools workshop – 25
- Thamesmead School, Shepperton screening at assembly and Our Girl performance – 202
- Park School, Woking all day workshop with screening and performance to peers – 17 students took part in workshop and 15 students watched the performance – 32 in total
- Brookfield School, Southampton all day workshop including screening and performance to parents 24 students and 10 parents
- Brookfield School, Southampton performance and screening in assembly – 351 students and 20 teachers
- Brookfield School, Southampton performance and screening in assembly – 306 students and 20 teachers
- SJB School, Woking Workshop and screening – 9 students
- Surrey County Council, at Tandridge education partnership – 25 women
- Kings International School Camberley, Peer Productions screened film and delivered workshop with students – 16 young people
- Eggar’s School workshop (13-15 year olds) – 29
- Eggar’s School performance (year 7 pupils) – 208
- Eggar’s School performance (year 8 pupils) – 197
Other campaign related activities
- Epsom Downs Race Course – True Honour attended ‘Beneath the Radar’ Multi-Agency Conference with Surrey County Council presenting to over professionals and promoted the Our Girl campaign and handed out the Cd’s (160 females & 40 men aged 25-65) – 200
- True Honour charity launch at Portcullis House including Our Girl materials
- True Honour Training to Peer Productions staff and young actors – 17
- Further in- house Our Girl training x 2 sessions – 16
- Peer Productions launched their Our Girl webpage
- True Honour was invited to a Special Screening of the film Sonita at the London Bafta. Sarb and Clive Driscoll used this opportunity to network with key individuals and promoted the Our Girl film speaking to over 50 people.
- True Honour held stall at the NCS Autumn Graduation in Epsom, Surrey. Clive Driscoll spoke to various young people and parents about the Our Girl campaign. – 50
- Clive Driscoll, chair of True Honour spoke to over 150 young people during his Kickz football training sessions about the Our Girl campaign to raise awareness.
- Peer Productions has promoted the Our Girl campaign in various social media spaces including: Drama Teachers and Those Interest in Drama Education (7,111 members) and The Guilty Feminist Podcast (10,172)
- Sent information via email to 63 drama teachers.
- True Honour actively promotes Our Girl via social media
- True Honour NHS England, Nottingham conference 210 people
- True Honour presenation London Borough of Sutton – 95 people
Our Girl materials
- Our Girl teachers pack distributed on TES Resources and sent to 350 teachers as an e-resource and advertised on various drama teacher groups on Facebook with a combined membership of 12,650. It has also been shared with Babcock 4s, They will be distributing it as part of their healthy schools’ initiative. The pack includes two posters which schools’ can personalise to include details of their teacher in charge of safeguarding.

01483 476825

07480 621711
Our partners:
Sharan Project
South East
Peer Productions & True Honour
West Midlands Consortium
North West
The Wish Centre
Affected by forced marriage?
If you or someone you know is at risk of forced marriage, you can contact the Forced Marriage unit on 020 7008 0151 or The Sharan Project on 0844 5043231.
If in immediate danger call the police on 999.